Summer camp is just around the corner.
We’ll be meeting at Menlo Park at 9:30 am Sunday the 22nd. Scouts should be in uniform ready to go.
Please have a sack lunch and have eaten breakfast. The first meal camp provides is dinner.
One of the first things we’ll be doing at camp is a swim check, so please have a swimsuit and towel easily accessible (I put mine in my day pack vs my pack with all my gear).
If you haven’t turned in a complete Scout medical form parts A, B and C (C signed by a doctor), and a photo copy of your insurance card, please bring that the day we leave. No on can stay at camp more than 72 hours without a medical. is the form.
Things to bring, here’s the council’s suggestions I’d add a day pack to that, to carry around camp, an old school backpack works fine. Everyone should bring a plate and fork/spoon. We’ll be cooking one or two meals in our camp site during the week, camp provides the food and stuff to cook it but not things to eat those meals off of. (The rest of the meals are served in the dining hall where they provide everything). Scouts will be in camp provided tents, so no need to pack a tent (adults may still want to as depending on space there may not be enough).
Pen and paper is important as most merit badges have at least one requirement involving writing, and something to make notes on is important.
Any Scouts who will be taking medication during the week at camp need to have a few things. First all meds must be in the original containers with their name on it and the med name. In addition please but all containers (even if it’s just one) in a gallon zip lock with the scout’s name on the side. Inside the ziplock also include written instructions for all meds (X every morning before breakfast etc). They will be kept in a locked box in the camp site and given out as instructed. Please let me know of anything that’s more complex than “take X pill at Y time”.
Anyone with “special needs” can fill out the council special needs form and email it to (that will go directly to the camp director).
We’ll be returning Saturday the 28th likely between 12 and 1 (we’ll call before we hit Salem with a better estimate.
A few merit badges have additional costs:
Archery – $10 ($5 for bow string requirement, $5 for arrow making requirement)
Leatherworking – $0-$15 (Depends on project)
Rifle Shooting – $20 (for unlimited rifle rounds)
Wood Carving – $0-$10 (Depends on woodworking project)
In addition anyone wanting to just shoot rifles should bring a money for tickets (the $20 is for the merit badge as they’ll be doing a bunch of shooting, anyone can go during free time and shoot, spending “tickets” for bullets (I don’t have the cost of tickets but it’s likely $1 for X shots). There’s also snacks and other random items in the trading post, Every scout will be getting Camp T-Shirt for free (because the troop paid before the May Deadline) so send extra money as you feel warranted, outside the above costs and open rifle there is nothing they should need but I’m sure plenty they’ll want.
Last I heard there is about zero cell reception at camp, so Scouts can bring a phone (camera/alarm clock) but they’re not going to get use out of it as a phone, also there is probably not anywhere for them to charge them. A watch is the best bet.
Scouts will be expected to wear their uniform for Morning and evening flag, which is right before breakfast/dinner. Other than that the only time we’ll be in uniform is arriving/leaving and campfire programs a couple evenings during the week. This should result in being able to keep the uniform shirts clean(ish) so they last the week.
Summer camp is a great adventure and should be fun, if you have any stress about it let me know how I can help.